2021 PAD Challenge: Poems from Days 21-25

As promised in my previous blog post, here is the fifth set of poems I’ve written for the 14th annual Poem-A-Day Challenge as organized by Writer’s Digest. Even though every day has its own unique prompt, I am focusing on “travel” as an overarching theme because I’ve missed traveling so much this past year.

Day 21 PAD Prompt: “Take the phrase “(blank) Me,” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.


…what it was like to rise early—
house martins twittering busily
outside my open window while
dawn crawled up the eastern sky,
cool air faintly infused with
old loam and dew-damp grass

…of those unabridged mornings—
unrushed and puttering about the house
until nine-thirty (or maybe ten) when
a half-hour’s drive down the A452
found me traversing castle gates,
imagination igniting

…how it felt to cross the inner court
and climb the northwest tower—
Warwickshire broadening before me,
its montage of poppies, cottages,
drowsy cattle and country lanes snaking
between fields ripe for walking

Poetic Form of Choice: Free verse with alliteration and assonance

© 2021 F. E. Greene
View from the northwest tower at Kenilworth Castle, 2017 (photo by F. E. Greene)

Day 22 PAD Prompt: “Write a nature poem. Write about the natural world if you like, but don’t be afraid to delve into human nature or the nature of love.”

Listen to me read the Day 22 poem by playing this sound file.

From your prep-school days,
you strolled these slopes,
a fact I learned only
after I discovered them,
grew to love them.

No, not love.
Venerate. Revere.

In fact, I observed that lone gas lamp
flocked with ferns – a paradox
of location, if not purpose –
without knowing you noticed it, too,
immortalizing the mismatch of
metal and grass in your stories
of wardrobes, fauns, and winters.

Did you worship here also?
Find sanctuary among the bogs
and hollows? Wander with aimless
intent across pebbled trails tipping
like roller-coaster rails into oblivion?

Did you? I do.
Alone, mostly.

Alone, I can listen until the
stories emerge, adventures whispering
themselves into existence amid
clefts and divots sequestered
beneath the beacons stippled with
bedstraw and foxgloves strung
like bells from sturdy stalks.

Were you captured? Haunted?
Inspired? I was – even before
I learned you walked here, too.

Poetic Form of Choice: Free verse with alliteration, assonance, and consonance

© 2021 F. E. Greene
The Malvern Hills, 2012 (photo by F. E. Greene)

Day 23 PAD Prompt: “Write an appointment poem. My first thoughts with appointments conjure up visions of doctors, dentists, and parent-teacher conferences. But there are also business meetings and romantic dates.”


When we make an appointment,
We make a pact with Fate;
We trust saints will preserve us
Till that specific date.

Although we vow to honor
Each earnest guarantee,
Fate makes a pact with no one—
Who knows where we shall be?

Poetic Form of Choice: The style of Emily Dickinson

© 2021 F. E. Greene

Day 24 PAD Prompt:Write a question poem. You can make the title of your poem a question and use the poem to answer it. Or make the title the answer and the poem the question. Or end your poem on a question.”


How did
the moon reply
when the monuments of
humankind asked her to shine less

Poetic Form of Choice: Cinquain (five lines with syllable count of 2/4/6/8/2)

© 2021 F. E. Greene

Day 25 PAD Prompt: For today’s prompt, write a thought poem that captures a thought or random ramblings running ’round your cranium. It doesn’t have to be a rambling poem, but that’s one thing. Another possibility is having two people share their thoughts with each other and/or NOT share them.


Prone to overthinking,
I now must think some more.
Truthfully, I’d rather
ramble along the shore—

quench my cogitations
churning endlessly,
surrender introspections
as ashes to the sea;

allow the halcyon chorus
of ever-cresting swells
to dispel my musings
like sedimented shells.

Poetic Form of Choice: Ballad quatrains with ABCB rhyme scheme, alliteration, and assonance

© 2021 F. E. Greene

Follow this link to the Writer’s Digest website and see the details for the 2021 PAD Challenge.

About F. E. Greene

F. E. Greene loves coffee, castles, crumpets, and the cat next door almost as much as she loves writing. She is the award-winning author of multiple bestselling series including contemporary romance (Richer in Love), time-travel romance (Love Across Londons), and fantasy adventure (By Eyes Unseen). Her nonfiction series All Things Brighter focuses on writing fiction and poetry. A novelist, songwriter, poet, and photographer, she has taught young journalists and coached creative writers in both scholastic and volunteer settings. Greene's novels blend feel-good romance, mild suspense, a touch of whimsy, and her steadfast affection for all things British.
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