In Days Divine

2nd place winner in the 2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards!

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Bestselling author F. E. Greene shares the award-winning collection of poems that celebrates her time living in England. From big cities to small towns, magnificent vistas to mundane routines, In Days Divine encapsulates Greene’s daily inspiration and continuous delight with the land that has enchanted her since childhood. Each of the collection’s four sections depicts a different phase of Greene’s journey from the exhilaration of departure to her reflections upon moving back to the States.

While a resident of the U.K., Greene participated in a variety of online poetry challenges which resulted in this eclectic assortment of forms, styles, and subjects. Each poem is accompanied by its specific prompt along with explanations of the various types including (but not limited to) ballad, caesura, haiku, lune, sedoka, sestina, and the Shakespearean sonnet.